
Friday, May 10, 2019

Kupe And The Giant Wheke

Kupe And The Giant Wheke

In our literacy we have been reading the story of Kupe and the giant wheke. For our work we had to create a slide show using only 8 slides to show the story in 8 parts. On each slide we had to insert a picture and write a single word or phrase to go with it to explain the story. I hope you understand the story from the slides I have created and enjoy reading it.

My Careers

My Careers 

In class we have been learning about careers, what they are like and what we need to do to get there. On Monday the whole class had to do a career quiz with 78 questions. Once we answered them all it gave us a list of careers they thought would be good for us. It gave me 100 careers. I managed to cut down all the careers I didn't want and now have 5 left. I put them into a slideshow to present them in a nice way to you.
This is it: