
Thursday, August 8, 2019

Writing A Quality Blog Comment

Today in manaiakalani we were learning how to write a quality comment to post on someones blog.We had to watch a video and take notes on it.
These are the notes I took:

Complement the writer in a specific way.

  1. If you like their blog post tell them
  2. Be positive

Add new Information.

  1. It’s good to add factual information
  2. Look at the comment section to make sure no one has already said what you want to say.

Make a connection.

  1. Having a connection with the writer will make your comment better

End with a question.

  1. Ask relevant questions

This is the video I watched, you can watch it to if you want.

Wednesday, August 7, 2019

My work from today

My work from today
Today I have been helping Holly and Riley L with the talent quest. This morning after karakia me, Joanna and Riley went down through all the classes to make sure everyone who signed up still wanted to do it. After that we came back to class and had to go through and edit the script to take out the kids who weren't doing it and add in any other kids who told us they had forgot to sign up and still wanted to do it. We then had to go through and make sure there weren't any spelling or grammar mistakes.